


Protect Your Solar Benefits Before Changes To West Virginia’s Net Metering Policy

Proposed Policy Changes To West Virginia Net Metering

In a shift that will impact solar energy users in West Virginia, major utilities Mon Power and Potomac Edison have petitioned the state’s Public Service Commission to reduce the credit received by solar panel owners for excess power production.

Citing concerns about grid maintenance and infrastructure costs, the utilities argue that the current net metering system fails to adequately address these expenses.

The potential changes to WV net metering are currently under review, but are meeting resistance from residents and their representatives.

In a shift that will impact solar energy users in West Virginia, major utilities Mon Power and Potomac Edison have petitioned the state’s Public Service Commission to reduce the credit received by solar panel owners for excess power production.

Citing concerns about grid maintenance and infrastructure costs, the utilities argue that the current net metering system fails to adequately address these expenses.

The potential changes to WV net metering are currently under review, but are meeting resistance from residents and their representatives.

“We’re living in a monopoly state in terms of energy,” “Solar has been sort of this bright light, where folks actually had an opportunity to choose the type of energy that they want, and to benefit and get some money back.”

Courtney MacDonald
Coalition Coordinator with
West Virginians for Energy Freedom

How To Prepare For The Upcoming Changes To WV Net Metering Policy

As the fate of West Virginia’s net metering policy hangs in the balance, it’s crucial for homeowners and businesses to take action. By contacting local representatives or signing petitions in support of WV HB5422, individuals can advocate for a more equitable energy landscape.

However, in addition to supporting legislative change, there’s another way to secure your solar benefits: by switching to solar energy before any potential alterations to the net metering policy take effect.

By doing so, you can lock in the existing 1-to-1 rate for crediting excess energy production, maximizing your savings and ensuring continued financial benefits.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take control of your energy future.

Act today to secure your spot in West Virginia’s favorable net metering program.

Contact Revolt Energy to learn more about how solar power can work for you and ensure that you continue to reap the rewards of clean, renewable energy.

Lock in your savings and protect your investment before it’s too late!

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